Communicating Ecohealth

EcoHealth Ontario has developed a number of different tools and resources to help build a shared vision of ecohealth.

What’s in a Greenspace That Makes Us Feel So Good?

Infographic developed by EcoHealth Ontario to highlight some of the key relationships between natural environments and human health. It outlines the benefits of greenspace to health and wellbeing and focuses attention on the actions that professionals in diverse sectors can take to make these benefits a reality through their work. Check out these posters that have been designed for a specific sector.

The Many Benefits of Being Active in Ontario’s Greenspace, Mood Walks.

An increasing body of evidence suggests that one of the best ways to improve your mental well-being is by simply spending more time outdoors. This Infographic was produced for Mood Walks which is a provincial program that provides training and support for post-secondary institutions across Ontario to launch educational walking programs to support the mental and physical health of people through participation in physical activity, engagement with their community, and the benefits from exposure to the healing effects of nature.